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Looking for investment advice?
Built to reduce risk
There are 6 TD Comfort portfolios to choose from, each diversified to cater to various risk tolerances, time horizons and financial goals.
Book an appointment to learn more about TD Comfort Portfolios.
Benefits of TD Comfort Portfolios
Explore the different TD Comfort Portfolios
With 6 Comfort Portfolios available, a Mutual Fund Representative can help find the right one for your financial goals.
Comfort Portfolio |
Fund Overview |
TD Comfort Conservative Income Portfolio |
TD Comfort Balanced Income Portfolio |
TD Comfort Balanced Portfolio |
TD Comfort Balanced Growth Portfolio |
TD Comfort Growth Portfolio |
TD Comfort Aggressive Growth Portfolio |
Start investing today. Connect with a Mutual Fund Representative.
Automate your savings
Invest in TD Comfort Portfolios on a schedule that works for you and grow your savings with ease.
- Recurring contributions may help you reach your financial goals faster, even during market downturns
- Invest as little as $25 per transaction
- Adjust your contribution amount or frequency as often as you’d like
- Enjoy no set up or additional fees to purchase
Set up a Pre-Authorized Purchase Plan today.