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Make Payments - Workspace - EFT
This page allows you to create new Payments, and access the payments that you have not yet submitted for Authorization. From this page you can:
Add Payments
Delete Payments
Find Payments; for the purpose of viewing and modifying
Submit Payments for Authorization
Accessing the Make Payments Page
To access the Make Payments - Workspace page simply click Make Payments from the Electronic Funds Transfer Menu.
How To Initiate Payments
The process to initiate payments has three steps:
Step 1: Add the payments you wish to make to your workspace using one of the following three methods:
Copy Payments to the Workspace From: Allows you to create payments by copying payment Templates to the workspace.
Add One-Time Payment: Allows you to create a non-recurring payment.
Import Payments: Allows you to Import payments from an EFT 80 byte file layout.
Note: Whenever you create Payments, a summary of the payments you created is added to your Workspace; rather than displaying each individual payment. Within the help this summary will be referred to as a Payments (Summary Record).
Step 2: Find Payments that need to be modified. Once payments have been added to the Workspace you can modify the Payment amounts and delete unneeded payments using the Find Payments function. Example: John Smith wanted to double his payment amount this month; Debbie Donaldson wanted to defer her payment until next month.
Step 3: Submit the payments for authorization.
Note: Once submitted, the payments will be delivered to the Authorize page. Once fully Authorized the payments are processed by TD.
The Delete button allows you to delete payments you added to the workspace in error (e.g. Assigned an incorrect due date, added the wrong payments, etc.). When you use the Delete button all of the Payments associated with the Payments (Summary Record) are deleted.
The Delete $0.00 Payments button allows you to delete zero dollar payments from the Workspace. When you use the Delete $0.00 Payments button all of the $0.00 Payments associated with the Payments (Summary Record) are deleted.
The Generate Detailed Report button allows you to generate a Payment Detail Report for the selected Group. This report contains full details of all of the individual Payments and is available in PDF and spreadsheet friendly Comma Separated (CSV) and Tab Delimited formats.
The Select All checkbox allows you to select more than one Summary Record to Submit, Delete or Delete $0.00 Payments. You may not select multiple records if Find Payment or Generate Detailed Report is selected.
User Rights/Security/Filtering
To access this page you must have the right 'Ability to Make/Import Payments'.
The page will display all of the Payments that you last modified that have not been submitted for authorization.