Make Payments - Delete - EFT


This page allows you to delete payments you added to the workspace in error (e.g. Assigned an incorrect due date, added the wrong payments etc.).

Deleting Payments

The process to Delete Payments has 4 steps:

Step 1: Access the Make Payments - Workspace page by clicking Make Payments from the EFT menu.

Step 2: Select the Payments (Summary Record) you wish to delete and click the Delete button. The Make Payments - Delete page will be displayed.

Step 3: Verify that the Payments (Summary Record) you wish to delete is displayed.

Step 4: Click the Delete button to delete the selected Payments.

Note: If you want to cancel the process, click the Cancel button.

Result: Once the Delete button is clicked, the Payments will be deleted and the Payments (Summary Record) will be removed from your workspace. You will be returned to the Make Payments - Workspace page.

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  1. The Delete page is only available if you have the right 'Ability to Make/Import Payments'.