Make Payments - Add One-Time Payments - EFT


This page allows you to create/add payments directly to your Workspace for the purpose of repairing rejected and returned payments.

Adding One-Time Payments

The process to Add One-Time Payments to your workspace has 11 steps:

Step 1: Access the Make Payments - Workspace page by clicking Make Payments from the EFT menu.

Step 2: Click the Add One-Time Payment button

Step 3: A new Add One-Time Payment page is displayed. Note: The Group and Frequency are automatically assigned as ONE TIME PAYMENT and No Frequency Assigned. These values can not be changed and allow you to easily identify how the payment was initiated.

Step 4: Select the Company Originator, from the Company Name dropdown, you wish to add the One-Time Payment to.

Step 5: Complete the Payment Information section. Note: The Amount field must be entered free format as Rates can not be assigned to One-Time Payments.

Step 6: Complete the Payee/Payor Information section. Note: The Reference number is a mandatory field that you can use to help trace payments through the system (e.g. Returned Payment Details include this reference number). Whenever a One-Time Payment is created a reference number is generated, but can be overwritten at your request.

Step 7: Complete the Account Information section.

Step 8: Verify the information entered and click the Save & Continue button.

Step 9: A new Add One-Time Payment page will display allowing you to enter another One-Time Payment. Note: You will notice that the Company Originator, Payment Type and CPA Code are pre-populated with the values used in the previous One-Time Payment.

Step 10: Return to Step 4 if you wish to Add another One-Time Payment.

Step 11: Click the Cancel button to return to the Make Payment - Workspace page.

Result: When the Save and Continue button is clicked the One-Time Payment is saved and a Payments (Summary Record) is added to your Workspace.

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  1. To access this page you must have the right 'Ability to Make/Import Payments'.

  2. You can only Add One-Time Payments to Company Originators to which you have been granted access.