Make Payments - Import Payments - EFT


This page allows you to import payment information from TD 80 Byte EFT Files. If your company maintains recurring payment information using other software, you can import the payments into the WBB-EFT service; assuming that your other software can produce a TD 80 Byte EFT file. This eliminates the need to maintain your payment information as Templates within the WBB-EFT service.

Importing Payments to your Workspace

The process to Import Payments to workspace has 6 steps:

Step 1: Access the Make Payments - Workspace page by clicking Make Payments from the EFT menu.

Step 2: Click the Import Payments button and the Import Payments - Send to Bank popup page will display.

Step 3: Click the Browse button and select the file your wish to send.

Step 4: Click the Send to Bank button to upload the file to TD. The Import File - Sending File page will be displayed. Note: TD will not accept any file that is greater than 10,000 KB.

Step 5: Once the file has been uploaded TD will complete some Import File Validations. Once the validations have been completed, a message will be displayed advising you of the status (e.g. Success or Failure).

Step 6: Close the Import - Sending File popup to return to Web Business Banking.

Result: Once the file has been successfully uploaded to TD, and the Import File Validations have been completed, TD will Process the Imported EFT 80 Byte Payment File and add the payments directly to your Workspace. Note: Depending on the number of payments being imported, this process may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  1. To access this page you must have the right 'Ability to Make/Import Payments'.

  2. You can only Import Payments to Company Originators to which you have Company Originator access.