Embracing Diversity

From the people we love to the languages we speak, there are so many aspects to who we are. Creating a space for all of us means recognizing the humanity in each of us. Because all of us are different—and all of us belong.

Doing more & doing better

Xihao Hu knows firsthand the difference an advocate, ally or mentor can make —and now he's determined to paying it forward.

Read how our CFO's early experiences shaped his career and how he gives back.

Listening to all stories—and writing new ones, together

Our world is made of all kinds of people, no two of us the same. And while each of us is an original, we all have things in common, too. See the beautiful ways our stories come together.

  • CAPACD's on a mission to raise awareness of housing instability in the AAPI community—and working to help vulnerable and low-income residents stay in their homes. Read how a TD Charitable Foundation grant helps them do it.

  • Our colleague Lisette Rosetta helps Spanish speakers feel seen, heard and understood—by using their native language. See how she's helping Miami locals get their financial footing at Camillus House, a TD Housing for Everyone grant recipient.

  • Harlem's kids can count on YES Academy (and not just for learning how to count). See how YES helped one adorable French speaker get ready for his first day of school—and why we're so proud to support them.

  • Through the power of mentorship, LGBTQ2+ refugees can find opportunities to start anew with purpose and pride. Our colleague Aram Hassanlee, who fled Iran at age 30, knows this firsthand. Now he mentors LGBTQ2+ asylum seekers through our pilot program with the Tent Partnership for Refugees.

  • Colleague Jay Muthukamatchi can't stop thinking of new ways to help people. Read how he founded Charity Crossing to combat poverty, heal the planet and connect communities around the globe.

  • Whether it's a hurricane across the Mid-Atlantic states, an earthquake in Haiti or welcoming refugees from Afghanistan, it's important that everyone helps out in times of need. Read how TD shows up for communities in our footprint and beyond.

  • Salon owner Lorena Torres works tirelessly to build up her business—so she's grateful for the support of the LEDC. Learn how Torres opens doors for Latinx small businesses.

  • Lockdown complicated life for everyone—but few were hit harder by the need to stay put than people fleeing home. Read how colleague John Tucker went above and beyond to help Refugees International fight for displaced communities.

  • Whether she's volunteering at the Sugar Cane Festival, mentoring Philly kids or supporting colleagues at TD, Lilibeth Ramirez thanks Puerto Rican culture for teaching her the value of giving back.

Creating a space to thrive

We put our all into supporting our colleagues' careers—and it shows.

Support in the workplace and beyond