Custom Asset Allocation
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At a Glance
We bring together one of the broadest investment platforms to meet client-specific investment objectives. Our capabilities integrate alternatives into multi-asset portfolios, alongside the right balance of equity and fixed income styles, for optimal factor diversification.
All Our Experience in One Portfolio
Broad investment platform. We bring together broadly diversified asset class, sector, regional and investment style capabilities.
Full-service offering. Our capabilities integrate alternatives into multi-asset portfolios for optimal factor diversification.
Highly experienced investment team. We have access to research, tools and insights from one of the deepest asset allocation and derivatives teams in Canada.
Long-term strategic asset allocation. Create a strategic mix that meets your unique needs, invest alongside our best ideas pooled funds or a combination of strategies.
Best in-class ingredients. We have established track records across multiple strategies with one of the deepest alternatives platforms in Canada.
Integration of alternatives. We believe the integration of alternative investments is key to improving the probability of investment success.