Welcome to TD Global Investment Solutions

Collaborate with possibilities

TD Global Investment Solutions (TDGIS) represents the institutional asset management businesses of TD Bank Group (TD) - TD Asset Management Inc. and Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (TD Epoch). We offer investment solutions to corporations, pension plans, endowments and foundations, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, and superannuation, among others. We strive to partner with our clients to better understand their needs and offer solutions to meet those needs using our broad expertise across alternative investments, equities and fixed income. Our independent investment teams maintain their own investment philosophies, giving TDGIS diversity of thought. Epoch's Portfolio Managers' interaction with TDAM consists of a quarterly performance review with TDAM's CIO, risk, and other product oversight teams. All strategies across all asset management businesses go through this review process on a quarterly basis.

Explore what's possible together

TD Global Investment Solutions (TDGIS) represents the institutional asset management businesses of TD Bank Group (TD) - TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) and Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (TD Epoch). We offer investment solutions to corporations, pension plans, endowments and foundations, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, and superannuation, among others. We strive to better understand our client's needs and offer solutions to meet those needs using our broad expertise across alternative investments, equities and fixed income. Our independent investment teams maintain their own investment philosophies, giving TDGIS diversity of thought.  

Strength and Experience

Stay informed

  • July 31 2022

    Gloomy and More Uncertain. That was the title of one of the International Monetary Fund’s updates this year for the World Economic Outlook, as it took stock of the macroeconomic and geopolitical environment.

    Thought leadership20 min read
  • Investment Insights
    April 23 2024

    TDAM's Alternative Investments team recaps key takeaways from real estate, mortgage, infrastructure, and private debt markets.

    Commentary30 min read
  • Investment Insights
    December 08 2022

    Global supply chains are being overhauled to reduce vulnerabilities and to restrict Chinese imports of “dual-use” products that can be used for both commercial and military purposes. In Part I of this two part series we show why the initial focus is on semiconductors and energy, and where it might go from there (AI, quantum computing, and other advanced tech). We also demonstrate the challenges for Chinese equities and U.S.-based multinational corporations, which have been the two biggest beneficiaries of globalization.

    Thought leadership15 min read
  • Investment Insights
    December 13 2022

    In this second part of our two-part series, we demonstrate that deglobalization implies trend increases in capex and the labor share, as well as a higher weighted average cost of capital (WACC). This constitutes a secular headwind for margins and free cash flow (FCF), especially for tech and manufacturing. With companies facing greater macro volatility and an elevated WACC, we expect lower average multiples. This will prove especially challenging for longer duration assets, such as venture capital and speculative tech companies that are years away from generating FCF on a sustainable basis.

    Thought leadership8 min read
  • Investment Insights
    February 08 2023

    We look at the importance of understanding how company management is compensated when analyzing a stock, particularly as it relates to the Quality Capital Reinvestment Strategies.

    Thought leadership10 min read