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Template Maintenance - Add Template - EFT
This page allows you can create Templates for all of your recurring debit and credit payments. Once templates have been created, they can be used to initiate payments from the Make Payments - Workspace page.
Adding a Payment
The process to Add a Template has 11 steps:
Step 1: Select the Company Originator you wish to add the Payment Template to; on the Template Maintenance page.
Step 2: Click the Add Templates button.
Step 3: A new Add Template page is displayed.
Step 4: Complete the Payment Information section.
Note: There are two ways to assign an Amount to the template.
Enter the Amount free format; by selecting 'No Rate Assigned' and entering an amount.
Assign a Rate to the template. When a rate is assigned to the Template then whenever the Rate is changed, via the Rates page, the Template's Amount is updated automatically.
Step 5: Complete the Payee/Payor Information section. Note: The Reference number is a mandatory field that you can use to help trace payments (e.g. Returned Payment Details include this reference number). Whenever a Template is created a reference number is generated but can be overwritten at your request.
Step 6: Complete the Account Information section.
Step 7: Assign a Group and Frequency to the Template. Note: You can organize your Templates using the Group and Frequency fields. When you initiate payments using the Copy Templates to Workspace From feature, you have the option to select the Group and Frequency you wish to copy.
Step 8: Verify the information entered and click the Save & Continue button.
Step 9: A new Add Template page will display allowing you to enter another new template. Note: You will notice that the CPA Code, Group, Frequency and Rate are pre-populated with the values used in the previous template.
Step 10: Return to Step 4 if you wish to Add another template
Step 11: Click the Cancel button to return to the Template Maintenance page.
Result: Once templates have been created, they can be used to initiate payments from the Make Payments - Workspace page.
User Rights/Security/Filtering
You must have the right 'Ability to Maintain Payment Templates' to add templates.