Balanced Plus
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At a Glance
We bring together one of the broadest investment platforms to meet client-specific investment objectives. Our turnkey Balanced Plus fund allows clients to access our best-ideas in multi-asset mix, that includes equities, fixed income and private alternatives, in a single solution.
Seeking Optimal Combination
Our best investment ideas integrated into a single, comprehensive balanced portfolio.
Equity, fixed income and alternative allocations to enhance the expected risk-return profile versus traditional balanced programs.
Administrative ease for investors looking to add alternatives in a single turnkey investment solution.
Broad investment platform. We bring together broadly diversified asset class, sector, regional and investment style capabilities.
Full-service offering. Our capabilities integrate alternatives into multi-asset portfolios for optimal factor diversification.
Highly experienced investment team. We have access to research, tools and insights from one of the deepest asset allocation and derivatives teams in Canada.