Investment Insights
September 28 2021

TDAM Talks Podcast: Tapering is not Tightening: Searching for Fixed Income Yield

20 min listen

Ingrid Macintosh, Vice President, TD Asset Management; Robert Pemberton, Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income

On a new TDAM Talks podcast, Ingrid Macintosh, VP, TD Wealth and Head of Sales Enablement, Communications and Digital Strategy, TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM), welcomes special guest Robert Pemberton, Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income, TDAM. Together they discuss the outlook for Fixed Income, why recent Federal Reserve statements are not creating a taper tantrum in the markets, and how investors can add income to their portfolios. Highlights include:

  • What is the state of global economic growth, and does it vary by region? (1:00)
  • How will the recent inflation uptick affect short and long term interest rates, and will the impact be temporary? (2:45)
  • If the Federal Reserve reduces its monthly bond purchases in 2021, what would this tapering mean for investors? (5:30)
  • With central banks in no rush to tighten policy by raising rates, where are the opportunities to add yield and income? (9:50)
  • How will climate change and the increasing popularity of responsible investing affect Fixed Income? (17:50)

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