Group Information - EFT


This page allows you to view the groups, listed alphabetically by name, which can be assigned to Payment Templates within your company. Depending on your User Rights, you may also be able to access the following functions:

  1. Add Group: Allows you to create new Groups for your company.

  2. Modify Group: Allows you to modify an existing group's name.

  3. Delete: Allows you to delete unneeded groups.

Accessing the Group Information Page

To access the Group Information Page simply click Groups from the Electronic Funds Transfer Menu.


Groups allow you to organize your payment Templates into like groups (e.g. If you manage payments for your office and another person manages the payments for their office, then setup a group for Your Office and one for Their Office). Your company can create up to 25 unique groups.

Tip: You can use the group as a filter in the following areas within the WBB-EFT service:

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  1. All users can access this page.

  2. The Add Group, Modify Group and Delete buttons will only display if you have the right 'Ability to Add/Modify/Delete Groups and Rates'.