My Reports - EFT


This page allows you to generate a Payment Template report that details your company's Payment Templates. The report can be generated in the following 3 formats:

  1. PDF; Viewable / Printable Adobe Acrobat format
  2. CSV; Comma Separated Value data format
  3. TAB; Tab delimited data format

Generating a Report

The process to generate a Report has 6 steps:

Step 1: Access the My Reports page by selecting My Report from the EFT menu.

Step 2: Select the Company Originator you wish to include in the report from the Company Name dropdown.

Step 3: Select the Group you wish to include in the report from the Group dropdown. Note: Select All if you want to include all Groups.

Step 4: Select the Frequency you wish to include in the report from the Frequency dropdown. Note: Select All if you want to include all frequencies.

Step 5: Select the Output format you require.

Step 6: Click the Generate Report button and the report will be generated.

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  • All users can access this page
  • Only Payments Templates to which you have Company Originator access will be displayed.