Warehouse Deletions Grid


The Warehouse Deletions grid displays all warehoused deletion requests, which you can approve and/or decline.

Field Descriptions

Authorize Column
Contains radio buttons that, when selected, mark the corresponding deletion to be approved.

Decline Column
Contains radio buttons that, when selected, mark the corresponding deletion to be declined.

Note: If the warehoused deletion request is declined, the payment will be returned to a Warehoused status on the Activity List and will be processed on the due date.

Beneficiary Name
Displays the individual, company or bank that is to receive the payment

Due Date
Displays the date on which the payment will be processed and the settlement account will be debited.

Payment Amount/Currency
Displays the amount and currency of the payment. When the amount link is selected, the complete details of the payment are displayed.

Last Modified by
Displays the User ID of the individual who last performed a function on the transaction.

Authorize Status
Indicates the level of approval the transaction has received. The following statuses are possible in the Warehouse Deletions Grid:

Single Authorization/Authentication Scenario

  1. Pend/Auth - no approval has yet been given to this deletion request

Note: The payment is now available to be authorized.

  1. Pend/Auth - no approval has yet been given to this deletion request

  2. Auth 1 - User ID - the first approval has been granted by the User ID identified

Once the appropriate level of approval is received, the transaction is:

  1. Sent to TD for processing

  2. Removed from the Warehouse Deletions Grid

  3. Authorize and Payment statuses are updated accordingly in the Activity List.