My Reports - Payment Summary by Account Report


The My Reports - Payment Summary by Account report provides you with a summary of your payments, grouped by settlement currency and settlement account, for a maximum of 120 days.

Any Wire Payments right allows you to access the My Reports page. However, the report generated will only include payments that contain settlement accounts you have been assigned.



Selected Report


Displays the name of the report selected.

Payment Type


The Wire Payments Reports function allows you to report on:

  1. Payments in Progress - Payments not yet released to TD for processing
  2. Payments Sent to Bank - Payments that have been fully authorized and released to TD for processing


Allows you to specify the Payment Statuses to include in the report.

You may report on the following statuses:

In Progress

  1. Pending Authorization
  2. Declined
  3. Past Due

Sent to Bank

  1. Successful (default)
  2. Rejected (default)
  3. Warehoused

Date Range - Search by

Due Date

Radio Button

Allows you to generate a report using the due date as the basis for the payment search regardless of the creation date of the payment(s).

Defaults to Due Date.

Creation Date

Radio Button

Allows you to generate a report using the creation date as the basis for the payment search regardless of the due date of the payment(s).



Allows you to specify the starting date for the report.

Defaults to previous business day.

The following dates may not be entered:

If Creation date is selected then:

  1. A date greater than 120 days in the past
  2. A date in the future

If Due Date is selected then:

  1. A date greater than 120 days in the past
  2. A date greater than 45 days in the future



Allows you to specify the From Date using our Calendar Control.



Allows you to specify the ending date for the report.

Defaults to previous business day.

The following dates may not be entered:

If Creation Date is selected then:

  1. A date greater than 120 days in the past
  2. A date in the future
  3. A date less than or equal to the From Date

If Due Date is selected then:

  1. A date greater than 120 days in the past
  2. A date greater than 45 days in the future
  3. A date less than or equal to the From Date



Allows you to specify the To date using our Calendar Control.

Other Filters


Allows you to generate a report for a specific payment.

If a Payment ID (unique to each payment) is entered, all other payment criteria are disabled and a report will be generated for this payment only.

Payment Amount - From

0.01 - 999,999,999.99

Allows you to generate a report based on specific payment amounts.

Payment Amount - To

0.01 - 999,999,999.99

Allows you to generate a report based on specific payment amounts.



Allows you to generate a report for a specific template or for payments created without a template.

Find Templates


When you click this link you will be able to search all of your company's templates by Template Name and/or Beneficiary Name.

Output Format


Allows you to specify the output format of the report.

The three formats are:

  1. Report (PDF)
  2. CSV
  3. Tab Delimited


  1. If the report is generated in CSV or Tab, the payment history is not available.
  2. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader© installed to view a PDF report.
  3. To view reports generated with a CSV or Tab Delimited format, you must use an external application (e.g. Microsoft® Excel).




Returns you to Step 1

Generate Report


Validates the information entered is correct and generates the report in the format selected.

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