View User Profile - Wire Payments Account Access


The Wire Payments Profile allows you to view your own user profile information, including the rights assigned to you for this specific service.

Wire Payment rights consist of account entitlements as well as specific rights to Create and Authorize transactions created within the service.

Create Rights

Displays whether you are able to create payments ad-hoc or only from templates. In addition, this right is required if you want to create payments by importing a payment file into Web Business Banking from an outside application.


In conjunction with service rights, account access allows you to view or action payments that contain settlement accounts to which you have been assigned. For example, to create payments you must be assigned both the Create right and the accounts from which payments will be settled.

Authorization Rights

There are three rights that may be assigned to you:

  1. Ability to Authorize Payments - allows you to authorize payments that other users have created

  2. Ability to Authorize Own Payments - allows you to authorize payments that you have created

  3. User's Daily Authorization Limit - allows you to authorize daily payments up to this limit in Canadian dollars.

Please contact a System Administrator if you require a change to your Service Profile.