View Company Profile - Payments and Transfers Profile

Field Definitions




Displays the name of your company.

Company ID

Displays your company's Company ID.


Displays the address of your company's TD System Administrator.


Displays the phone number of your company's TD System Administrator.

TD System Administrator

Displays the Name of your company's TD System Administrator.

Connect ID

Displays the Connect ID assigned to your company's TD System Administrator.

User ID

Displays the User ID of your company's TD System Administrator.

Account Name

The Account name field will be displayed as follows:

  1. If you have assigned a user-defined name to an account, your account name will be displayed.
  2. If you have not defined a name of your own, the name defined by a System Administrator will be displayed.
  3. If neither you nor a System Administrator has named the account, the display defaults to the TD Bank account number.

The accounts displayed are available for all Payment and Transfer Services.


Displays the branch of account.

Account Number

Displays the account number.


Displays the currency of the account.

Displays the type of account which can one of three:

  1. Customer
  2. External
  3. Pooled

Daily Credit Limit

Maximum daily dollar amount allowed for credit transfers.

Per Trans Limit

Maximum dollar amount allowed for a credit transfer.

Daily Debit Limit

Maximum daily dollar amount allowed for debit transfers.

Per Trans Limit

Maximum dollar amount allowed for a debit transfer.

Bill Payments

You may register Payees via the Payee Maintenance function in Web Business Banking.

Stop Payments

Indicates that your company may lodge stop payments.

Same Currency Transfers

Indicates that your company may create Same Currency Transfers (i.e. CAD to CAD or USD to USD)

CAD/USD Transfers

Indicates that your company may create CAD/USD Transfers (i.e. CAD to USD or USD to CAD)

Authorization/ Authentication Requirement

If your company has elected to subscribe to either Authentication or Authorization, the type of security is displayed as well as the level.