Template Maintenance - Field Definitions

Field Definitions

Field Type Description
Create Template Button Allows you to create a new Same Currency Transfer template
Create CAD/USD Template Button Allows you to create a new CAD/USD Transfer Template.
Template Grid
Select Radio Button Allows you to select a template to either modify or delete.
Template Name Display Displays the name you have assigned to the Template.
Type Display

Displays the type of Template.

Displays whether the template is a Same Currency Template (TRNS) or a CAD/USD Template (CAD/USD).
From Account Name
To Account Name
Display Displays the debit and credit accounts involved in the transfer. The account name will be displayed as follows:
  • If you have assigned a user-defined name to an account, your account name will be displayed.
  • If you have not defined a name of your own, the name defined as a Company Preference by a System Administrator will be displayed.
  • If neither you nor the System Administrator has named the account the display defaults to the TD Bank account number.
Amount Display Displays an amount if defined.
Currency Display Displays the currency of the transfer. A transfer must include accounts of the same currency and can be either Canadian or U.S. dollars.
Modify Button You will be presented with the Modify Template page to make the necessary changes to the selected Template.
Delete Button The selected Template will be removed from the Grid and will no longer be available in the dropdown list in the Create Transfer page.