Activity List - Returned Payments - Field Descriptions and Business Rules

Field Definitions

Step 1 of 3 : Create

Field Type Description
Account Dropdown
Allows you to specify which account you are placing the Stop on.
Payee Name Textbox
1 - 25 Characters
Allows you to specify the Name of the Payee.
Payment Type Radio Button Allows you to select the type of payment you wish to stop.
The possible values are:
  • Cheque
  • Pre-authorized Payment
Amount Textbox
Allows you to enter the Amount of the Stop Payment.
Date of Cheque Optional Allows you to enter the Date of the Cheque you wish to stop.


This field is only available if you have chosen the payment type of Cheque.
Cheque Number Textbox
1-9 Numeric
Allows you to enter the Cheque Number of the Cheque you with to stop.

This field is only available if you have chosen the payment type of Cheque.

Next Button Allows you to move to the Step 2 of 3 : Confirm page.

Step 2 of 3: Confirm

Field Type Description
Displays the details from the previous page.
Back Button Allows you to move back to the Step 1 of 3 : Create page if changes are required.
Confirm Button Allows you to confirm the request and move to Step 3 of 3 : Confirmation page.

Step 3 of 3 : Confirmation

Field Type Description
Displays the details from the previous page and displays the status of your request.
Stop Another Payment Button Allows you to return to the Step 1 of 3 :Create page to enter another Stop Payment if necessary.

Business Rules

  1. To cancel or modify a Stop Payment you must contact your CBC or Branch.
  2. Do not stop a payment that is more than 6 months old. Cheques are only valid for 6 months from their due date. Once 6 months has pasted they become stale-dated and are not accepted by TD.
  3. Stopping a preauthorized payment will stop the next payment as well as all future ones.
  4. To stop a single pre-authorized payment you must contact Web Business Banking Support..
  5. Stop Payments may not be requested for TD Bank Financial Group internal payments (e.g. TD loan payments etc) or service charges.
  6. The Stop Payment service is not available between 12:00 am and 5:00 am Monday to Friday.
  7. Stop Payment requests remain active as follows:
    • Cheques - are maintained on our system for 6 months + 1 day from the cheques due date. If a due date has not been entered then the system assumes that the due date is today. Once the payment has been stopped TD may remove the stop payment request.
    • Pre-authorized Payments - are maintained on our system for 12 months + 1 day from the date of your request.
  8. Stop Payment activity will be included in your monthly Balance Reporting / Payments and Transfer billing statement. The fee charged depends on the amount of detail provided:
    • Cheques
      • Complete Details - If both the mandatory and optional fields on the screen are completed, the fee is $10.00
      • Partial Details - If only the mandatory fields are completed on the screen, the fee is $15.00
    • Pre-authorized Payments
      • The fee for all pre-authorized payments is $10.00
  9. 'Not Entered' will be displayed next to the appropriate field on the Step 2 and Step 3 page if you did not enter a Date or Cheque Number.