Report Type Descriptions

Report Name


Backdate Detail Report

Displays the debit or credit backdates posted to the account(s) selected for the specified date.

Consolidated Balance Report

Displays the opening, closing, and consolidated balances for selected accounts and/or groups for the specified day.

Loan Account Statement

Displays the opening and closing loan balances along with the payments and advances posted to a selected Operating Loan account for the specified month.

For a current month’s Loan Statement report, advances, payments and closing balances are reported up to the close of the previous business day.

Net Change Summary

Displays the net change from an operating balance position to a closing balance position over the specified range of days for selected accounts.

Non-Reporting Branches

Displays the number of days within the specified date range, that a Corporate Transfer Service or Centralized Money Management depositing branch has not made a deposit.

Paid Cheque Detail

Displays the cheques posted to the account(s) selected for the specified date.

Statement of Account

Displays the opening and closing balances along with the transactions posted to a selected deposit account for the specified range of days.

Transactions and the current balance of an account can be reported up to today’s date and time.

Accounts with no transactions can be included or excluded by choice.

Centralized Money Management transactions can be reported up to the close of the previous business day.

Transfer Details Report

Displays the debit and credit transfer details posted to an account through the Corporate Transfer Service or the Centralized Money Management service for the specified period of time.