How To Modify an Account Group


Step 1 - Modify the name, description and accounts in the group

  1. If required, change the name of the account group in Group Name field.

  2. If required, change the description of the group.

  3. To deselect accounts click the checkbox beside each applicable account. To select accounts you wish included in the group click the checkbox beside each applicable account.

  4. Click Next.

Step 2 - Order the Accounts selected

  1. Beside each account listed, enter a number in the order number field in the order in which you want the accounts displayed in the group.

  2. Click Next.


Use numbers in increments greater than 1 to allow for easy editing at another time. For example, if you use the order numbers such as 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. you can easily add an account in between other accounts (#1, 6 etc) if necessary without having to reorder all of them.

Step 3 - Review the group

  1. Review the accounts included in the group and the order which you defined.

  2. Click Finish.

The account group will be added into the account groups grid.