Free Format Import File Standards

This import file layout is a TD Bank Proprietary ASCII text file to be used by Free Format companies only.

Notes (include edit rules):

  1. The Sender Name and Address fields are no longer required, please leave blank. TD Bank will populate the sender's name and address with the name and address on file at TD for the settlement account entered. Please review this information on the review payment details page. NOTE: any data submitted in these fields will be overwritten by TD Bank as described above.
  2. For payments to Canada and the U.S. and Mexico, a 2-character (SWIFT ISO code) Province/State code must be entered. For payments to any other countries, a province/state name may be entered (to a maximum of 20 characters). Padding with spaces may be required.
  3. Use 2-character country code (ISO 3166 Country Code)
  4. If the beneficiary bank account is held at a local TD Bank in Canada, then entry of the account number is mandatory and must be in the format 'ttttnnnnnnn' (where 'tttt' is the transit number and 'nnnnnnn' is the account number). If the beneficiary bank account is held at TD's Global Operations Services (GOS) Department, then entry of the account number is mandatory and must be entered in the format 'nnnnnnnnnnnnn' (where 'nnnnnnnnnnnnn' is a 13 digit account number). A non-TD Bank beneficiary account can have a maximum of 35 characters and entry of this account number is mandatory.
  5. This field is mandatory when payment type is "To Bank"
  6. Due Date must be in the format of 'MM/DD/YYYY'. Due date must not be < today or > than 45 days in the future. Due date must not fall on a weekend.
  7. Payment amount must be in the format '999999999.99'.

    Please note:

    • The Wire Payment service will only accept payments with an equivalent value up to and including:
      • CAD$999,999,999.99 if being settled through a CAD account
      • USD$999,999,999.99 if settling through a USD account
      • FOR 999,999,999.99 if being settled through a FOREIGN currency account
    • Payments in Japanese Yen must be entered with a '.00' at the end. For example, a payment in Japanese Yen of 315555 should be entered as 315555.00.
  8. The Contract Type must be C (Contract) or B (Bulletin).
  9. Contract number must be quoted if contract type is "C".
  10. In the cases where the settlement currency is not the same as the payment currency and a foreign exchange contract has been booked, completion of this field is mandatory. When a foreign exchange rate has been booked, the exchange rate must be entered in the format '9.999999' and cannot be zero. If a foreign exchange contract is not necessary, this field can either be padded with blanks or zeros.
  11. When entering the settlement account, use the format of the account displayed in the Wire Payment Company profile. For example, a TD Deposit Account number (CAD/USD) will be entered as a 12-digit number such as 010230123456 (branch with account number). A TD Deposit Account (Foreign) will be entered as a 12-digit number such as 010203456789. Other TD Accounts (IDAPS) will be entered as a 13-digit number such as 0360012345678. The total length of this field is 13-characters, so padding may be required. Note: If the 'Payment Currency' is CAD, then the 'Settlement Account' must be CAD or the payment will be rejected.
  12. The TD Instructions Field is used for instructions to Global Operations Services (formerly TD International Centre). This field is no longer required and is only to be used if you have been specifically instructed to do so by TD Bank. Use of this field will increase processing time.
  13. The Beneficiary Instructions field can be used to advise your beneficiary of information regarding the wire payment.
  14. Intermediary Bank is not mandatory, TD Bank will route your payment in the most effective manner however if it is required, then you must provide the name, city and country.
  15. Payment Transfer Type must be a B (Bank Transfer) or C (Customer Transfer). By inputting a "B" for Bank Transfer, you are attesting that you are a financial institution (FI) settling with another FI (bank, insurance, investment management firm). Non-FIs may have their payment returned.
  16. Payment Destination (N, T, or O) determines the kind of account to which the payment is being sent: N (Non TD Account - Other Banks), T (TD Deposit Account - CAD/USD), and O (Other TD Accounts which may be International Accounts). This field is mandatory.
  17. Beneficiary ID is no longer required. Please leave blank.
  18. Inclusion of the Beneficiary Bank ID will expedite your payment.
  19. Reason for Payment - Please include a reason for sending this payment - for Payment to Customer Only. Include as much detail as possible; this will expedite your payment.

Import File Standards - Trailer Record

Start at




Trailer Identifier




Mandatory Value: "T"

Total Number of Payments




Mandatory Format: 999


  1. C= Character Fields: Left Justified, padded with spaces.
  2. N= Numeric Fields: Right Justified, padded with spaces or zeros.
  3. A carriage return feed and line feed (CRFL) are required at the end of each record.
  4. Trailer Record Type must be "T".