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Originator Maintenance - Modify - EFT
This page allows you to maintain the Company Name, Company Short Name and Return Account information of the Company Originator selected from the Originator Maintenance page.
Modifying Company Originator Information
The process to maintain Company Originator Information has 6 steps:
Step 1: Access the Originator Maintenance page by clicking Originator Maintenance from the Electronic Funds Transfer menu.
Step 2: Select the Company Originator you wish to maintain and click the Modify button. The Originator Maintenance - Modify page will be displayed with the selected Company Originator displayed.
Step 3: Update the Company Name as required. Note: The Company Name defaults to the Originator Name defined by TD.
Step 4: Update the Company Short Name as required. Note: The Company Short Name defaults to the Originator Name defined by TD.
Step 5: Update the Return Account Information as required. Note: The Return Account Transit and Account Number default to the Contra Account defined by TD.
Step 6: Click the Save button to save the updated information. You will be returned to the Originator Maintenance page.
Note: If you want to cancel your changes, click the Cancel button and you will be returned to the Originator Maintenance page.
Result: Whenever Originator information is updated, all new payments initiated from the Make Payments - Workspace page will use the updated information.
Warning: Payments already in Progress will not be updated.
Tip: As stated above, the Company Name, Company Short Name and Return Account information default to information setup by TD. This default information will update automatically whenever TD updates the Originator Information. Once you enter your own information, automatic updates will no longer occur. This will ensure that a change TD makes does not overwrite the information you entered. In the event that you want to return to the default values, simply blank out the fields and click the Save button and the defaults will be restored.
User Rights/Security/Filtering
- You must have the right 'Ability to Maintain Originator Information' in order to access this page.