Make Payments - Modify Details - EFT


This page allows you to modify the Amount assigned to a payment (e.g. John Smith wanted to double his payment amount for this month).

Modifying the Details of a Payment

The process to modify a Payment Amount has 4 steps:

Step 1: Perform a search to find the Payment(s) you require; on the Make Payments - Find Payments page.

Step 2: Select the Payment(s) you wish to modify and click the Modify Details button. The Make Payments - Modify Details page will be displayed with the first selected Payment displayed.

Step 3: Modify the Amount assigned to the Payment, as required.

Step 4: Click the Save & Continue button. Your changes will be saved and the next selected payment will be displayed; Repeat Step 2.

Note: When you are modifying the last selected payment the Save & Continue button will return you to the Find Payments page.

Tip: You can return to the Find Payments page at anytime by clicking the Cancel button. When clicked any changes made to the currently displayed payment will not be saved.

User Rights/Security/Filtering

  1. You must have the right 'Ability to Make/Import Payments' in order to access this page.