Edit My Reports List


The Edit My Reports List page allows you to order the Reports dropdown list displayed on the My Reports, Scheduled Reports and Define Reports pages. The order sequence saved will be the same for all three functions' report dropdown lists.

Report Grid

The reports listed in the Report Names grid include the eight Bank-defined reports as well as those reports you have defined in the 'Define Reports' page. User-defined reports created are automatically included in the dropdown list.

The default sort order of all report dropdowns is as follows:

  1. User-defined Reports in alphabetical order

  2. Bank-defined Reports in alphabetical order

Ordering the Report List

If you would prefer to specify the order the reports are displayed, enter a number beside each report in the order you would like displayed.

Note: You do not have to order all reports displayed. If an order number is not entered a default sort detailed below is applied.

The sort order once you have defined a specific order is as follows:

  1. Defined sort order

  2. User-defined Reports in alphabetical order (default)

  3. Bank-defined Reports in alphabetical order (default)