Date Range


When you generate a report the 'date range' or 'dates' you specify determine what information will be included in the report. For your convenience, we've included the most popular date ranges in a dropdown. Select a range and the start and end date fields will be automatically updated. If you require a custom range, select 'User Defined' from the dropdown and then enter the start and end date you require.

You'll notice that the date format and date ranges display differently depending on which report you have selected. For the Consolidated Balance Report you will be able to enter a month and day. For the Loan Account Statement you will be asked for a month and year. All other reports will allow you to enter a start and end date, month and year.

The following table summarizes the date ranges available for each report:

Definition of Date Range

Available for Reports

User Defined

Allows you to enter your own start and end dates.
You can set a date range of up to 18 months for all reports except Loan Account Statement, which can be set at up to 120 days.

Backdate Detail, Consolidated Balance Report, Loan Account Statement, Net Change Summary, Non-Reporting Branches, Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details


Selects the current day as the date for the report.

Consolidated Balance Report, Net Change Summary, Non-Reporting Branches, Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details

Previous Business Day

Selects yesterday as the date for the report.
If yesterday is determined to fall on a weekend, you will receive information for the previous Friday.
If yesterday is determined to be a bank holiday account information will not be available.

Backdate Detail, Consolidated Balance Report, Net Change Summary, Non-Reporting Branches, Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details

This Week

Selects this week (Monday - Friday) as the timeframe for the report.

Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details

Last Week

Selects last week (Monday - Friday) as the timeframe for the report.

Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details.

This Month

Selects the current month as the timeframe for the report.

Loan Account Statement, Paid Cheque Details, Statement of Account, Transfers Details

Last Month

Selects last month as the timeframe for the report.

Loan Account Statement, Paid Cheque Detail, Statement of Account, Transfer Details


  1. No account information is available for weekends or bank holidays.

  2. If you enter a user-defined date that exceeds the amount of Deposit Account History available to your company, you will be notified of the appropriate range.