Changes to the level of Authorization/Authentication


The level of authorization/authentication can be either increased or decreased while there are transactions pending approval, created with the original level of approval.

The following chart details the changes that will occur in the Authorize and Transfer columns in the Activity List and Authorize Table:

Authorize/Transfer Status Columns

Customer Notification
(if required)

1. Dual to single Approval with an Authorize status of 'Auth 1 - User ID'.

When an Approval profile changes to a lesser level of security, the Auth 1 transactions are returned to Pend/Auth status.

Authorization - When a company System Administrator attempts to change the preference, a message will alert the user that there are presently transactions that are partially authorized. These transactions will return to pending status. The System Administrator will be prompted to either accept or reject this change.

Reject the Change
The Transfers Authorization preference remains Dual and all transactions await dual approval.

Accept the Change
Changes the preference and changes the Authorize column in the Authorize table and Activity List to 'Pend/Auth' status.

Authentication - Transactions in 'Auth 1' status will automatically be returned to 'Pend/Auth' status. Web Business Banking will update the status the next time a company user logons to the Service.

2. Dual to single with an Authorize status 'Pend/Auth'.

These transactions will remain pending and require only one authorization to be processed.

Authorization - When a company System Administrator attempts to change the preference, a message will alert the user that there are transactions awaiting authorization. The transaction statuses may change. The System Administrator will be prompted to either accept or reject this change.

Reject the Change
The Transfers Authorization preference remains Dual and all transactions await dual approval.

Accept the Change
Changes the preference to single and the status in the Activity List remains 'Pend/Auth' status.

Authentication - Transactions will remain 'Pend/Auth' status and require only one authorization.

3. Dual to None with an Authorize status of either 'Pend/Auth' or 'Auth 1- User ID'.

The Web Business Banking Service will update the Authorize and Transfer columns as follows:

  1. Authorize Status will display either 'Auth 1 - User I' or Pend/Auth depending on whether the first authorization was provided before the level changed
  2. Transfer Status will display 'Rejected'

The transaction is removed from the Authorize Table and updated as described in the Activity List. 

Transactions are NOT sent for processing.

Authorization - When a company System Administrator attempts to change the preference, a message will alert the user that there are presently transactions that are partially authorized. The status of these transactions will change to Rejected and must be resubmitted. The System Administrator will be prompted to either accept or reject this change.

Reject the Change
The Transfers Authorization preference remains Dual and all transactions await dual approval.

Accept the Change
Changes the preference and changes the Authorize column in the Authorize table and Activity List to 'Reject' status.

Authentication - Transactions in 'Auth 1' status will automatically be updated with a status of 'Rejected' and require resubmission. Web Business Banking will update the status the next time a company user logons to the Service.

4. Single to None with 'Pend/Auth' status.

The Web Business Banking Service will update the Authorize and Transfer columns as follows:

  1. Authorize Status will display 'Pend/Auth'
  2. Transfer Status will display 'Rejected'

The transaction is removed from the Authorize Table and updated as described in the Activity List.

Transactions are NOT sent for processing.

Authorization - When a company System Administrator attempts to change the preference, a message will alert the user that there are presently transactions that are partially authorized. These transactions will have a Rejected status and must be resubmitted. The System Administrator will be prompted to either accept or reject this change.

Reject the Change
The Transfers Authorization preference remains Dual and all transactions await dual approval.

Accept the Change
Changes the preference and changes the Authorize column in the Authorize table and Activity List to a 'Reject' status.

Authentication - Transactions in 'Pend/Auth' status will automatically be updated with a status of 'Rejected' and require resubmission. Web Business Banking will update the status the next time a company user logons to the Service.

5. None to single or dual.

No transfer will be awaiting authorization.