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Authorize Transfers
The Authorize Transfers function is only available if your company has elected to set the Payments and Transfers Preference of Authorization or has subscribed to Authentication.
This page allows you to approve or decline transfer(s) or transfer reversal requests. Once a transfer(s) and/or transfer reversal(s) has been fully authorized it is sent to the Bank for processing.
Accessing Authorize Transfers
To access Authorize Transfers simply click Authorize Transfers from the Payments and Transfers sub-menu.
You must have been assigned the Payments and Transfers right 'Ability to Authorize' to access this page.
How To Authorize/Decline a Same Currency Transfer/Reversal Authorizing/Declining a Same Currency Transfer/Reversal is a five step process:
If desired, review the details of the Transfer or Transfer Reversal by clicking the applicable Amount link.
You may choose to select the authorize or decline radio button for each transfer or transfer reversal or you may select all transaction to approve or decline by selecting the appropriate 'All' radio button in the header of the grid.
Click Submit.
Enter your challenge response on the Authenticate page; only required if your company has elected to use Authentication devices to authorize payments.
Review the Authorize Results for the status of the authorization.
Only accounts to which you have been assigned access to in the Payments and Transfers Service will be available. Refer to your Payments and Transfers User Profile (wbwVUPCITProfile.html) for further details.
If your company is registered for dual authorization/authentication, you will be able to provide only one of the required two approvals.
- Once the level of security is met (single or dual), the transaction is removed from the Authorize Grid and updated in the Activity List. If the transaction is declined, the transaction is removed from the Authorize Grid and updated as 'Declined' in the Activity List Authorize column and is available to be modified if necessary.
- Transactions are available to be approved for 7 calendar days from the Last Modified Date, which is detailed on the Transfer Details or Transfer Reversal Details page. You can view either of these pages by selecting the Amount field on the applicable transaction.
The Authorize grid will include only those transfers which you can approve or decline. Transfers that have been:
- Created by others in your company, and
- Created by you if you have been assigned the right 'Ability to Authorize Own Transfers
Transfers will be sorted by the Authorize status
- Auth 1 - User ID (only possible if your company is registered for dual authorization)
- Pend/Auth
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